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Concrete Wall

Leadership, A Journey in Ethical Behavior

For every man and woman who accepts the position of police officer, he or she enters a world of constant visibility by those whom we serve. Our actions and inactions are subject to scrutiny day in and day out and there is no other position in society where great vigilance to ethical behavior and integrity-driven actions must remain a constant focus. Police officers are and should be leaders in our communities and an example to those we serve; Leadership is a Journey in Ethical Behavior. 

This 4-hour course is designed to persuade our officers to realize the journey; to think about their position in society and to consider the ramifications of unethical behavior. The temptations are real, the opportunities to choose right from wrong will present themselves many times throughout our careers and the choices we make will stay with us long after our careers have ended, both publicly and personally. The question is: How would you like to be remembered?

This course is designed to benefit every police officer, but should be considered a must for those in supervision.

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